
In addition, you can visit the Abbey of Fiastra – museum and archaeological collections
Our goal is to demonstrate that by using science, innovation and  technology a sustainable future is possible.

For this reason we have decided to lead the vine  in organic and to use the international standards of VIVA (sustainable viticulture program certified by the ministry of the environment) to provide consumers with clear and internationally recognized information.

The sustainability analysis  VIVA indicators can be easily consulted from this site on the page relating to our wines, or by reading the QR codes on the labels optically.


We have equipped our fields with a weather station (allows us to be timely and to work with precision)

We have chosen to comply with the VIVA protocol, coordinated by the organic chemistry department of the Catholic University of Piacenza and certified by the Italian Ministry of the Environment.


We are convinced that art and culture must be the spokesperson for sustainability and that this is the only way to implement change. Our collaborations with the world of art are born from this thought, in particular with the Camerata delle Arti of Matera in the people of Katia Ricciarelli, Francesco Zingariello and their collaborator Bruno Carletti. Thanks to all of you for taking care of us.


We treat all the people who work with us with dignity and in compliance with the rules of the workplace and we learn day after day from the people we work with: our winemaker Massimo Carletti (who made everything we are possible today, without him we simply could not exist), our oenologist Marco Fioretti (to whom we owe the quality of our wines), our guardian angel Valerio Broglia of Agrimeccaniche (who ingeniously adapts the agricultural tools to the growing needs that gradually emerge) and last but not least the our friend Rolando Cuccioletta, to whom we owe so much.


Our grapes respect the tradition of our territory and represent our meeting point with people “different” from us, coming from different countries with different cultures, languages, traditions, values. We build on our roots and open ourselves to the confrontation with what is different from us.
We believe in the courage of interpretation.

Where we are

The vineyard is located in the municipality of Petriolo, within the Abbadia di Fiastra Nature Reserve.

The Reserve, – 1825 hectares of land surrounding the monks’ abbey, the princely palace, and countless minor architectural works – is divided into Oriented Natural Reserve, Anthropological Reserve and Protection Area and includes different environments which represent important evidence of the evolution of the territory over the centuries.

The Selva, of about 100 hectares, is the heart of the area and is the last example with still a considerable area of very large forest, which until 1700 covered the entire hilly area of the province of Macerata.

The wine cellar is located in the municipality of Corridonia, inside the family mill. An electrically self-sufficient water mill built in the early 1900s.

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